This is exactly the kind of development needed in the field of space medicine: holistic remedies that strengthen human capacity to adapt to the rigors and stresses of space travel.
According to a recent article, China is already applying the wisdom of their ancient medicine to space flight, since Chinese herbal formulas are administered to increase recovery and stamina in their astronauts. The formula "Taikong Yangxin (space heart-nourishing) Capsule" is made of 10 different herbs. It apparently treats motion sickness and is proven to "improve cardiovascular conditions." And, in true TCM spirit, these fo

Wait...Tang sounds Chinese already...did it really come out of NASA? Urban legend says yes, but it looks like it was invented before being used on the 1965 Gemini missions.
Li Yongzhi, director of the medical department at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, said: "The medicine will boost their physical conditions and improve their adaptability in an extreme environment." Even if this is the Chinese's answer to Tang, it probably doesn't have a refreshing orangey zip...
I hope NASA is taking notes!
Related Articles: 'China Says Space Mission is Peaceful' from Canada.com on Nov. 7th. 'Astronauts to Rely on TCM', 9.25.08
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